

Aqua Gold Facial Treatment

We often heard that age is just a number, but it cannot be true as far as our faces are concerned, each passing day takes away our youth and the effects of ageing are shown in the form of wrinkles, sagging, uneven skin tone and lines on our faces. Aquagold Facial in Dubai is the latest and most effective way of dealing with such issues, which doesn’t only affect externally but, it also works deep underneath the surface of skin and provide us a fresh, glowing and charming look.

This modern anti-aging can do wonders for each individual distinctively with a painless and riskless procedure. The combine use of micro-needling and nutrients to motivate the collagen production and make our skin compact, young and prettier than ever.

Aquagold Facial in Dubai

Dubai has made most significant contribution towards cosmestic surgery and skincare in the most recent past. People from around the world have taken the cosmetic services provided in Dubai, because of high standards of quality and effective results which have been provided to our patients by our experts in this field. We are proudly among the most versatile practitioners present in Dubai. We are also among the few clinics who provide the most effective result in Aquagold Facial in Dubai.

If you are planning to get Aquagold Facial treatment in Dubai, then we welcome you at our clinic with the promise of effective result and high quality of treatment. We also have a very active department of skincare specialists, who will give you proper instructions and clear all your doubts. Our goal is to provide the satisfactory results to our patients. We have experts who deal each patient individually as well as distinctively. We keep the environment of our clinic clean, healthy and hygienic for our patients. While we have experts who are among the best in this field.

Aquagold Facial is a microneedling process that involves entering of miniature gold plated needles into the skin. This process have two purposes; to commence the natural healing process of skin, which involves the manufacturing of new skin cells and collagen, and to enable the administration of particular blend of skincare products. The use of tiny needles which are so light and fine that they can pierce the skin at the optimum level without causing any pain, making the absorption of blend of nutrients easier for your skin.

Following are the Goals for Aqua gold Facial

  • enhancing your complexion
  • ameliorate acne scarring
  • reducing wrinkles and lines
  • freshening of skin
  • Providing firm and better surface of skin
  • bringing the old glow back

Aqua Gold Facial consultation:

Before the start of Aquagold Facial Treatment in Dubai, we discuss and determine the patient’s skin type and expectations from the treatment. This will helps us to understand what kind of treatment you should get and if our facial will be effective and beneficial for your skin type. We start off the Aquagold Facial by analysing your skin tone, areas which are to be targetted and any sensitivity. We will also ask you to provide your complete medical history so that we make sure that you will be able to take this treatment without any worry or obtacles. During your pre-treatment consultion, we explain the entire procedure to you and answer all your concerns and quarries.

Aqua gold Facial Procedure

Before the start of treatment, our experts will clean your skin with deep facial cleanser in order to remove any make up or any other skincare product. Afterwards, we determine your skin type and point out all the areas which are needed to be targetted during the Aquagold Facial to make sure that it works perfectly for you.

Aqua gold facial results

The Aquagold Facial treatment in Dubai yields instant results. While you can feel redness on your skin for some time, but it quite normal after treatment. Although, mostly that redness represents the glowing complexion of your skin instead of soarness. You can feel the immediate effects but at least 48 hours are required for the conspicious results. We will also recommend you a home care routine to ensure you get best possible results.

FAQ About Aqua gold Facial

These are the most frequently asked questions by our customers which have been answered by our experts:

How does it work?

The Aquagold Facial works brilliantly with the combination of technology and use of effective skincare products which are fruitful in this treatment.
The usage of small needles make the little spots in the skin which regulates the natural healing process of skin and also increases the effectivity of the products we apply on your skin during Aquagold Facial

What Skin type is it suitable for?

Aquagold Facial Treatment in Dubai is beneficial for all types of skins and provide wonderful results as well. It is also effective for many skin problems such as acne scars, wrinkling and lines

When will I see results from a Aquagold Facial?

Although in the most cases patient can feel instant results but it can take upto 2 days to fully show its results

How long does a Aquagold Facial last

Aquagold Facial treatment can ideally be completed within one hour. But time also depends upon the areas of concern and skin types.

How long do the results of Aquagold Facial last

This thing also depends upon the skin type of the patient and few other factors and this will be completely explained to you in your pre and post treatment appointment

Is it painful?

Generally it does not cause any kind of pain but if you are sensitive to the slight pain then we can apply an anaesthetic before the treatmemt

What ages of people are suitable for an Aquagold Facial?

Aquagold Facial is suitable for people of all ages, there is no restriction on that. But, usually people who are tired of ageing, skin problems opt for this treatment.

Do I have to do anything afterwards?

We will advise you to follow a proper everyday skincare routine, which include cleansers, moisturisers and SPF creams. Our doctors will guide you on this matter and will also tell you about taking follow-up checkups in our clinic

If you have any other concerns and questions, then book your consultation or appointment with our skincare specialists.

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