
Cosmelan Peel Treatment

The Cosmelan Depigmentation Peel is an exceptional depigmenting treatment that is intended to totally eliminate, diminish, and forestall new skin staining and hyperpigmentation development.

Melanin is responsible for the darkening of the skin and adding to such factors as melasma and other skin discolouration. Melanin is expanded by sun exposure, acne, aging, and body chemical change. The Cosmelan Peel diminishes the skin’s normal melanin creation by inhibiting a compound (tyrosinase), giving an even appearance.

Al Biraa Clinic Dubai -Cosmelan Peel: Depigmentation Treatment

The Cosmelan Depigmentation Peel is the world’s best leading skin lightening solutions. With only one treatment and an expert home-after care system, will get rid from many skin problems.The Cosmelan Peel focuses on a wide range of pigmentation, including chemical initiated melasma, to diminish the presence of discolourations by 80-95%.

With only one treatment, you can treat a wide range of pigmentation.

Cosmelan Depigmentation Peel can treat a wide range of pigmentation, including hormone-induced pigmentation, for example, melasma, chloasma and superficial pigmentation like sun damage, freckles, and dark spots.

  • targets all types of pigmentation
  • Discoloration can be reduced by 80-95%.
  • 2-3 weeks treatment time, depending on intensity
  • Permanent results
  • Only 1 session needed

What is a cosmelan skin peel?

The cosmelan peel helps target and treat hyperpigmentation and melasma, which is a condition that is normal for some individuals. This can frequently be brought about by hormones, drug, sun damage or conceivably injury to the skin.

The blend in the peel obstructs the detailing of unusual skin pigments and breaks them down. It very well may be utilized to assist with superficial hyperpigmentation and dull skin with uneven skin tone.

How does the Cosmelan Peel work?

The cosmelan peels work to focus on the cells responsible for pigmentation; by focusing on the melanin, they decrease and lighten the treated region, helping to even the skin tone and reduce the appearance of discolouration.

In this treatment, a substance peel is utilized on the designated regions since it contains inhibitors that will have a depigmenting impact. It likewise restores the epidermis by expanding the thickness and lightening the skin with the specific solution in the peel.

The peel’s azelaic acid kills bacteria [microscopic organisms] and promotes the creation of new skin cells, while kosmic acid inhibits represses melanin creation in the skin.The Cosmelan Peel likewise diminishes the skin’s normal melanin creation by inhibiting an enzyme (tyrosinase), giving an even and smooth appearance.

Why choose the Cosmelan depigmentation peel?

With the blend of solutions arrangements in the treatment, besides the fact that the peel helps treat pigmentation, but it also works to combat sun spots, melasma, and other forms of hyperpigmentation.

After the first or second week of treatment with Cosmelan®, the presence of the skin will noticeably improve a lot, that anyone one can analysis by daily checks. The spots are lighter and less perceptible, while the skin looks more youthful and shines with a new radiance. The treatment has a viability pace of up to 95% while treating instances old spots, dark patches, and hyperpigmentation. Individual outcomes might fluctuate with the patient skin tone, age, pigmentation deepness and before and after care as well. 

Al Biraa Clinic Dubai – Consultation

Book your appointment with our Aesthetic dermatology specialist to clear your Skin pigmentation/darkness issue or related queries like, doubts related to treatment procedures?, before and after care details?, is our clinic is located near you? and finally for the best price/offers as well?. 

We always try to make our client happy with the best visible treatment results and best skin peel treatment price as well. So book your appointment today and explore our customer happiness environment and treatment support with the visible results.

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