child bone fracture doctor in Dubai
child bone fracture doctor in Dubai
child bone fracture doctor in Dubai
child bone fracture doctor in Dubai
child bone fracture doctor in Dubai
child bone fracture doctor in Dubai

Child trauma injury doctor in Dubai


What is a Bone fracture?

When a bone can’t bear the force applied on it, then fracture occurs in the bone because of this unexpected force. Fractures can occur because of accident or anything similar incidents. Fractures are also known as broken bones. Normally Arm bones fractured are more often than other body bones. But Bone Fractures are very common in Children as compared to Adults. So finding a right orthopedic is a really stressful, but don’t worry your this search finishes at Al Biraa Clinic in Dubai

Following are some common fractures

  • Broken arm
  • Broken elbow
  • Broken forearm, wrist, or hand
  • Broken hip
  • Broken collarbone or shoulder
  • Broken thigh bone or knee
  • Broken leg, foot, or ankle

Following are few symptoms of a bone fracture

The signs and symptoms of a bone fracture include:

  • Patient feels difficulty in using or moving the effected body part because of injury in a normal manner
  • There will be very clear warmth, bruising or redness in the injured body area
  • pain or swelling in the injured limb
  • obvious deformity in the injured area
  • difficulty using or moving the injured area in a normal manner
  • warmth, bruising or redness in the injured area

if you noticed any similar symptoms of a bone fracture in your child Seek medical care right away. If you can see the bone poking out through the skin.

What are the risks for fractures?

Fractures are normally linked with fall from heights, sporting accidents, and bike or car accidents. Poor nutrition, a diet low in calcium, and obesity can all increase a child’s fracture risk.

How are a child’s bones different from adult bones?

Because children’s bones are growing, they also break in different patterns compared to adult bones. Children’s bones grow throughout their childhood. This potential growth allows children’s bones to “remodel,” or naturally correct some or all of the deformity caused by a bone fracture. Children’s bones are more flexible.

Growing bones tend to buckle or bend before breaking, which often leads to unique fracture patterns. For instance, one side of a bone may bend, causing a greenstick (bending) bone fracture. Or one side of the bone can buckle and become dented, causing a buckle bone fracture.

Children have vulnerable growth plates

Children have tender areas of cartilage at the end of their bones, known as growth plates, where growth takes place. These areas of growth are often at risk when a child suffers a bone fracture. Growth plates can be injured at any stage of bones development, but are more common in early adolescence, when growth plates are in their final stage of growth.

Children’s bones heal faster as compared to Adults

A very thick layer of connective tissue (known as periosteum) surrounds a child’s bones and defends the bone against injury and bone fracture. This tissue provides proper blood supply to the bone. If the bone breaks, the body uses this supply of blood to replace damaged cells and heal the bone. As children grow into adulthood, their periosteum tends to thin out and provide less support. This is why adults’ bones heal more slowly as compared to children’s bones.

What are the different types of fractures?

Bones fracture in a variety of different ways. Most fractures result from mild to moderate trauma, such as a fall or a direct blow while a child is playing or participating in sports. If there’s more force applied to the bone than the bone can absorb, it will break or buckle. The amount and type of force will affect the type of fracture.

Non-displaced fractures

With non-displaced fractures, the bone typically stays aligned in an acceptable position for healing. Such fractures are usually treated with a splint, brace, or cast. This immobilizes the injured bone, promotes healing, and reduces pain and swelling.

The following kinds of fractures can be treated with a splint, brace, or cast:

  • Single non-displaced fractures: The bone cracks or breaks but stays in place.
  • Stress fractures (hairline fractures): Tiny cracks form in the bone, usually as a result of overuse or repetitive stress-bearing motions. Stress fractures are common in children who run track or participate in gymnastics or dance.
  • Torus or buckle fractures: One side of the bone bends (buckles) upon itself. The bone is dented but not broken. This is a common childhood injury that typically results from a simple fall.

Displaced fractures

When a fracture is displaced, the ends of the bone have come out of alignment. In such cases, the broken bone needs to be set back into alignment so it will heal properly. This is called a reduction. After the reduction, the injured limb is immobilized with a brace, splint, or cast while the bone heals. If the reduction is unsuccessful, other treatment may be necessary.

Types of displaced fractures include:

  • Low-impact fractures or fragility fractures. Children may have pathological fractures, which are bone breaks that do not occur in healthy and strong bones, but in weakened bones. These fractures may signal underlying metabolic bone disorders. They are often the result of a minor injury, such as falling from a standing height or lower, falling off a chair, or occurring during routine activity (such as stepping off a curb).
  • Humerus or femur fractures. These two long bones are strong and usually do not break easily unless the injury is severe (such as a car accident). Having these two long bone fractures may be a sign of metabolic bone disease.
  • Recurrent fractures. If your child has two or more fractures before age 10, or three or more fractures before age 19, you may want to consider having your child evaluated.
  • Vertebral compression fractures. Unless there is a significant trauma to the back, having one or more vertebral compression fractures is a sign of osteoporosis, or a metabolic bone disease.